The oracle module emits the following events:
message SetBandPriceEvent {
string relayer = 1;
string symbol = 2;
string price = 3 [(gogoproto.customtype) = "", (gogoproto.nullable) = false];
uint64 resolve_time = 4;
uint64 request_id = 5;
message SetBandIBCPriceEvent {
string relayer = 1;
repeated string symbols = 2;
repeated string prices = 3 [(gogoproto.customtype) = "", (gogoproto.nullable) = false];
uint64 resolve_time = 4;
uint64 request_id = 5;
int64 client_id = 6;
message EventBandIBCAckSuccess {
string ack_result = 1;
int64 client_id = 2;
message EventBandIBCAckError {
string ack_error = 1;
int64 client_id = 2;
message EventBandIBCResponseTimeout {
int64 client_id = 1;
message SetChainlinkPriceEvent {
string feed_id = 1;
string answer = 2 [(gogoproto.customtype) = "", (gogoproto.nullable) = false];
uint64 timestamp = 3;
message SetCoinbasePriceEvent {
string symbol = 1;
string price = 2 [(gogoproto.customtype) = "", (gogoproto.nullable) = false];
uint64 timestamp = 3;
message SetProviderPriceEvent {
string provider = 1;
string relayer = 2;
string symbol = 3;
string price = 4 [(gogoproto.customtype) = "", (gogoproto.nullable) = false];
message SetPriceFeedPriceEvent {
string relayer = 1;
string base = 2;
string quote = 3;
// price defines the price of the oracle base and quote
string price = 4 [(gogoproto.customtype) = "", (gogoproto.nullable) = false];
message EventSetPythPrices {
repeated PythPriceState prices = 1;