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This section describes the commands available from injectived, the command line interface that connects a running injectived process (node).


Several injectived commands require subcommands, arguments, or flags to operate. To view this information, run the injectived command with the --help or -h flag. See query or tx for usage examples of the help flag.

For the chain-id argument, injective-1 should be used for mainnet, and injective-888 should be used for testnet.


Adds a genesis account to genesis.json. For more information on genesis.json, see the Join Testnet or Join Mainnet guide.


injectived add-genesis-account <address-or-key-name> <amount><coin-denominator>


injectived add-genesis-account acc1 100000000000inj


Collects genesis transactions and outputs them to genesis.json. For more information on genesis.json, see the Join Testnet or Join Mainnet guide.


injectived collect-gentxs


Helps debug the application. For a list of syntax and subcommands, run the debug command with the --help or -h flag:

injectived debug -h


injectived debug [subcommand]
  • addr: Convert an address between hex and bech32
  • pubkey: Decode a pubkey from proto JSON
  • raw-bytes: Convert raw bytes output (e.g. [72 101 108 108 111 44 32 112 108 97 121 103 114 111 117 110 100]) to hex


Exports the state to JSON.


injectived export


Adds a genesis transaction to genesis.json. For more information on genesis.json, see the Join Testnet or Join Mainnet guide.


The gentx command has many flags available. Run the gentx command with --help or -h to view all flags.


injectived gentx <key-name> <amount><coin-denominator>


injectived gentx myKey 100000000000inj --home=/path/to/home/dir --keyring-backend=os --chain-id=injective-1 \
--moniker="myValidator" \
--commission-max-change-rate=0.01 \
--commission-max-rate=1.0 \
--commission-rate=0.07 \
--details="..." \
--security-contact="..." \


Shows an overview of available commands.


injectived help


Initializes the configuration files for a node.


injectived init <moniker>


injectived init myNode


Manages Keyring commands. These keys may be in any format supported by the Tendermint crypto library and can be used by light-clients, full nodes, or any other application that needs to sign with a private key.

For a list of syntax and subcommands, run the keys command with the --help or -h flag:

injectived keys -h


injectived keys [subcommand]
  • add: Add an encrypted private key (either newly generated or recovered), encrypt it, and save to the provided file name
  • delete: Delete the given keys
  • export: Export private keys
  • import: Import private keys into the local keybase
  • list: List all keys
  • migrate: Migrate keys from the legacy (db-based) Keybase
  • mnemonic: Compute the bip39 mnemonic for some input entropy
  • parse: Parse address from hex to bech32 and vice versa
  • show: Retrieve key information by name or address
  • unsafe-export-eth-key: Export an Ethereum private key in plain text
  • unsafe-import-eth-key: Import Ethereum private keys into the local keybase


Migrates the source genesis into the target version and prints to STDOUT. For more information on genesis.json, see the Join Testnet or Join Mainnet guide.


injectived migrate <target version> <path-to-genesis-file>


injectived migrate v1.9.0 /path/to/genesis.json --chain-id=injective-888 --genesis-time=2023-03-07T17:00:00Z 


Manages queries. For a list of syntax and subcommands, run the query subcommand with the --help or -h flag:

injectived query -h


injectived query [subcommand]
  • account: Query for account by address
  • auction: Querying commands for the auction module
  • auth: Querying commands for the auth module
  • authz: Querying commands for the authz module
  • bank: Querying commands for the bank module
  • block: Get verified data for a block at the given height
  • chainlink: Querying commands for the oracle module
  • distribution: Querying commands for the distribution module
  • evidence: Query for evidence by hash or for all (paginated) submitted evidence
  • exchange: Querying commands for the exchange module
  • feegrant: Querying commands for the feegrant module
  • gov: Querying commands for the governance module
  • ibc: Querying commands for the ibc module
  • ibc-fee: IBC relayer incentivization query subcommands
  • ibc-transfer: IBC fungible token transfer query subcommands
  • insurance: Querying commands for the insurance module
  • interchain-accounts: Interchain accounts subcommands
  • mint: Querying commands for the minting module
  • oracle: Querying commands for the oracle module
  • params: Querying commands for the params module
  • peggy: Querying commands for the peggy module
  • slashing: Querying commands for the slashing module
  • staking: Querying commands for the staking module
  • tendermint-validator-set: Get the full tendermint validator set at given height
  • tokenfactory: Querying commands for the tokenfactory module
  • tx: Query for a transaction by hash, account sequence, or combination or comma-separated signatures in a committed block
  • txs: Query for paginated transactions that match a set of events
  • upgrade: Querying commands for the upgrade module
  • wasm: Querying commands for the wasm module
  • xwasm: Querying commands for the wasmx module


A state rollback is performed to recover from an incorrect application state transition, when Tendermint has persisted an incorrect app hash and is thus unable to make progress. Rollback overwrites a state at height n with the state at height n - 1. The application also roll back to height n - 1. No blocks are removed, so upon restarting Tendermint the transactions in block n will be re-executed against the application.


injectived rollback


Creates a Rosetta server.


injectived rosetta [flags]


Runs the full node application with Tendermint in or out of process. By default, the application runs with Tendermint in process.


The start command has many flags available. Run the start command with --help or -h to view all flags.


injectived start [flags]


Displays the status of a remote node. Use the --node or -n flag to specify a node endpoint.


injectived status


Manages the Tendermint protocol. For a list of syntax and subcommands, run the query subcommand with the --help or -h flag:

injectived tendermint -h


injectived tendermint [subcommand]
  • reset-state: Remove all the data and WAL
  • show-address: Shows this node's tendermint validator consensus address
  • show-node-id: Show this node's ID
  • show-validator: Show this node's tendermint validator info
  • unsafe-reset-all: Remove all the data and WAL, reset this node's validator to genesis state
  • version Show tendermint library versions


Creates a testnet with the specified number of directories and populates each directory with the necessary files.


The testnet command has many flags available. Run the testnet command with --help or -h to view all flags.


injectived testnet [flags]


injectived testnet --v 4 --keyring-backend test --output-dir ./output --ip-addresses


Manages generation, signing, and broadcasting of transactions. See Using Injectived for examples.

For more information on syntax and available subcommands and, run the tx command with the --help or -h flag:

injectived tx -h


injectived tx [subcommand]
  • auction: Auction transactions subcommands
  • authz: Authorization transactions subcommands
  • bank: Bank transactions subcommands
  • broadcast: Broadcast transactions generated offline
  • chainlink: Off-Chain Reporting (OCR) subcommands
  • crisis: Crisis transactions subcommands
  • decode: Decode a binary encoded transaction string
  • distribution: Distribution transactions subcommands
  • encode: Encode transactions generated offline
  • evidence: Evidence transactions subcommands
  • exchange: Exchange transactions subcommands
  • feegrant: Feegrant transactions subcommands
  • gov: Governance transactions subcommands
  • ibc: IBC transactions subcommands
  • ibc-fee: IBC relayer incentivization transactions subcommands
  • ibc-transfer: IBC fungible token transfer transactions subcommands
  • insurance: Insurance transactions subcommands
  • multisign: Generate multisig signatures for transactions generated offline
  • oracle: Oracle transactions subcommands
  • peggy: Peggy transactions subcommands
  • sign: Sign a transaction generated offline
  • sign-batch: Sign transaction batch files
  • slashing: Slashing transactions subcommands
  • staking: Staking transactions subcommands
  • tokenfactory: Tokenfactory transactions subcommands
  • validate-signatures: Validate transaction signatures
  • vesting: Vesting transactions subcommands
  • wasm: Wasm transactions subcommands
  • xwasm: Wasmx transactions subcommands


Validates the genesis file at the default location or at the location specified. For more information on the genesis file, see the Join Testnet or Join Mainnet guide.


injectived validate-genesis </path-to-file>


Returns the version of Injective you’re running.


injectived version