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Upgrade to 10002-rc1

Nov 8th 2021

The upgrade will take place via an on-chain software upgrade proposal passed by Injective governance. If passed, this proposal would commit the Injective Mainnet to halting the Canary Chain injectived application binary at approximately 14:00 UTC on Nov 8th and starting the application binary for the Injective Canonical Chain.

In case of a failed migration via the upgrade module, the Injective Labs team will post an official injective-canonical-chain genesis file, but it is recommended that validators should do try to export the genesis on their own node to verify the resulting genesis file.

Following proposal #65 This indicates that the upgrade procedure should be performed on block number 4,352,000.


The Injective Canary Chain will undergo a scheduled upgrade to Injective Canonical Chain on Monday, November 8th 2021.

The following is a short summary of the upgrade steps:

  1. Vote and wait till the node panics at block height 4,352,000.
  2. Backing up configs, data, and keys used for running the Injective Canary Chain.
  3. Install the Injective 10002-rc1 release
  4. Start your node with the new injectived binary to fulfill the upgrade.

Upgrade coordination and support for validators will be available on the #mainnet-validators private channel of the Injective Discord.

The network upgrade can take the following potential pathways:

  1. Happy path
    Validators successfully migrate from the Canary chain to Canonical chain without purging the blockchain history and all validators are up within 1-2 hours of the scheduled upgrade.

  2. Not-so-happy path
    Validators have trouble migrating from the Canary chain to Canonical chain. This could be some consensus breaking changes not covered in upgrade handler, or compatibility issue of the migrated state with new injectived binary, but validators can at least export the genesis.

  3. Abort path
    In the rare event that the team becomes aware of unnoticed critical issues, the Injective team will attempt to patch all the breaking states and provide another official binary within 36 hours.
    If the chain is not successfully resumed within 36 hours, the upgrade will be announced as aborted on the #mainnet-validators channel of Discord, and validators will need to resume running the Canary chain without any updates or changes. A new governance proposal for the upgrade will need to be issued and voted on by the community for the next upgrade.


As a validator performing the upgrade procedure on your consensus nodes carries a heightened risk of double-signing and being slashed. The most important piece of this procedure is verifying your software version and genesis file hash before starting your validator and signing.

The riskiest thing a validator can do is discover that they made a mistake and repeat the upgrade procedure again during the network startup. If you discover a mistake in the process, the best thing to do is wait for the network to start before correcting it. If the network is halted and you have started with a different genesis file than the expected one, seek advice from an Injective developer before resetting your validator.


Prior to exporting the Canary chain state, validators are encouraged to take a full data snapshot at the export height before proceeding. Snapshotting depends heavily on infrastructure, but generally this can be done by backing up the .injectived directory.

It is critically important to backup the .injectived/data/priv_validator_state.json file after stopping your injectived process. This file is updated every block as your validator participates in a consensus rounds. It is a critical file needed to prevent double-signing, in case the upgrade fails and the previous chain needs to be restarted.

In the event that the upgrade does not succeed, validators and operators must restore the snapshot and downgrade back to Injective Chain 10001-rc7 release and continue the chain until next upgrade announcement.

Upgrade Procedure

  1. Verify you are currently running the correct version (b174465c) of injectived:

    $ injectived version
    commit: b174465c
    go: go1.16.8
  2. After the chain has halted, make a backup of your .injectived directory

    cp ~/.injectived ./injectived-backup

    NOTE: It is recommended for validators and operators to take a full data snapshot at the export height before proceeding in case the upgrade does not go as planned or if not enough voting power comes online in a sufficient and agreed upon amount of time. In such a case, the chain will fallback to continue operating the Canary Chain. See Recovery for details on how to proceed.

  3. Download and install the injective-chain 10002-rc1 release

    sudo mv injectived peggo /usr/bin
  4. Verify you are currently running the correct version (eb018590) of injectived after downloading the 10002-rc1 release:

    $ injectived version
    commit: eb018590
    go: go1.17.2
  5. Coordinate to restart your injectived with other validators

    injectived start

    The binary will perform the upgrade automatically and continue the next consensus round if everything goes well.